Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Now, I really want to move

My sort of bff friend just got a bf today. She's a liar she said she doesn't like anyone -,- Ima forget her anyways. I don't have a bestfriend -___________________________- Let it goo
I just want to move schoool! Too much pressure
People here are racist and bullies. And stupid and a blonde head even though they're not blonde.
Some of them are nice, but only a few.
They recently just searching for popularity and forget about old true friends -,- I hope they didn't influence me ): buh byee

Monday, November 21, 2011

My Student Body Secretary Campaign

Jadi, hari ini kampanye-nya. Disuruh pidato gitu, sama intinnya nyebutin visi misi. I did well I guess. Nobody laughed and that's great. But my legs are shaking like crazy! But, tlini said that I looked fine, I faced the audience and not reading the text the whole time.

Kak nna ngeliatin terus waktu setiap kali aku lewat -,- biasa, artis itu memang banyak penggemar.
Kak nni nanyain charger bb, jelas kesekolah gak boleh bawa hp kamera. Aku kan osis teladan, bb aja gabawa apalagi chargernya -,-. Malah dibilang 'calon bph osis kok ....' udah gak kudengerin. Envy kali dia tu, soalnya applied to be a secretary like I did, but she didn't make it to the top 8 :p Guess ya should've work hardah!

and then t said my nose is big -,- so, what if it is? It;s better than fat like you t! only, i said it inside my mind, so nobody heard it but me.

I'm a victim of bullying I guess. I want to move, to transfer to another school. Duh'

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Interview OSIS part 2

Jadi, setelah di interview sama OSIS sebelumnya, aku masuk 15 besar!
Sekarang, di Interview sama pembinanya

Ditanyain Mau jabatan apa? Sekertaris
Sanggup gak, megang jabatan itu? Iya sanggup, Pak.
Kalau gak keterima di jabatan itu, kan ada seksi-seksi ni, mau di seksi apa? *Trus kan ditunjukin ada 8 seksi, setiap seksi 5 orang. Aku tanya tentang seksi wiraswasta apa gitu, trus dijelasin panjang banget. Aku gak dengerin, cuma sibuk mikir apa lagi yang harus aku bilang. Trus aku tanyain tentang seksi kesenian. Dan dijelasin juga jadi kujawab* Seksi kesenian
Ok, terimakasih ya salsa atas waktunyaa..! Iya, sama-sama, makasih juga pak.


Besoknya, setelah pulang sekolah aku dipanggil ke ruang OSIS karena aku diterima jadi sekertaris :] Tapi besok Senin harus pidato! Jam upacara diganti jadi jam pidato, suruh VISI DAN MISI SEKERTARIS. Ya, itu ajee. Trus nanti kayak ada pemilu-pemilu gitu. VOTE FOR SALSA AS YOUR SECRETARY !

WML Guys ;]

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Interview OSIS

Jadi, saya dipilih diantara teman-teman kelas saya untuk menjadi calon OSIS. Ada 3 perwakilan dari setiap kelas, yeepp!
1. Alin
2. Salsa (aku)
3. Lukman

Habis itu, kita di Interview sama kakak dan abang OSIS yang sekarang masih megang jabatan. Jadi, Interviewnya gini :

1.Pertama aku disuruh duduk di tengah-tengah ruangan di kelilingin kakak2
2.trus langsung ditanya Nama, Kelas, dan mau ngambil jabatan apa. Aku mau jadi sekretaris jadi langsung bilang aja.
3.Terus, ditanya kenapa aku mau jadi sekretaris? Aku sempet diem gitu, trus bilang 'karena jadi sekretaris itu enak" which might be the stupidest answer of them all! Langsung seruangan bilang 'ooh, gak loh dek' kecuali bang garin yang bilang jadi sekretaris tu enak, karena dia bendahara. Trus langsung kak Icha bilang 'awalnya emang enak sih dek, tapi nanti akhir2nya sibuk terus, siap ngadepin kayak gitu?" tentunya spontan langsung kujawab 'IYA'
4. Ditanyain kalo misalnya suruh bikin proposal sampai jam 2 malam mau? sanggup? Pasti kujawab 'iya, sanggup' karena aku memang pernah disuruh bikin drama sampai jam 1 malam.
5. kak uga langsung jelasin kalo sekretaris tu kayak motor tapi dia bensinnya. Jadi sekretaris tu sepenting itu.
6. Lalalalaaa. aku lupa ... Lanjut aja ya
7. Ditanyaain kan, kalau OSIS sama  les-nya bentrok, milih apa? 'OSIS' kenapa pilih osis? 'kalau emang materi itu udah bisa, ya mending gak usah les' Kalau belum bissa? 'yaa, belajar lagi malamnya' ooh OK
Trus denger2 dipilang adek ni spontan, dll

Abis itu, kan disuruh keluar dan manggil lukman. Pas mau jalan ke pintu aku denger 'adek ini baik ya, tralalaa,trililiii, seterusnya gak denger.'

The trick is to smile, and don't show a scared face when you are being interviewed. Even though there's this pounding inside my head every time I answered a question.

But, aku lulus ke 15 BESAR! Woohooo, so that works. Besok aku interview lagi sama pembina OSIS. Bpk. Sihombing. Cross my finger and hope I do well!


Menjadikan siswa-siwi SMP ... agar lebih disiplin, berprestasi, kreatif, berahklak mulia, dan peduli pada lingkungan.


~Mengadakan kegiatan yang dapat memicu kreatifitas dan bakat siswa.
~Meneruskan dan melanjutkan program kerja yang sudah atau belum dilaksanakan oleh OSIS sebelumnya dan menjadi lebih baik.
~Berusaha mencegah dari perbuatan negatif global warming saat ini.
~Manjadikan OSIS sebagai teladan bagi siswa-siswai SMP ... lainnyaa (:


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Song Of The Week

I am now doing a 'Song Of The Week' thing. So as I say, this week's song of the week is...
Drum Roll Please....!
Selena Gomez- I Love You Like A Love Song
Here's a review of this song ;) But it's not a really good one, HARSH!

"If “Bang Bang Bang” had a sugary pleasantness about it, then “Love You Like a Love Song” has none. A combination of sub-par production and underwhelming lyrics prevent this song from being good.
The problem with Selena Gomez’s “Love You Like a Love Song” is that the best love songs are passionate. Electronic club or sex songs are all well and good, but a love song shouldn’t sound mechanical unless it’s deliberately meant to be subversive and to highlight dark, pathological obsessions like in many of Lady Gaga’s songs.
This single, however, is meant to be a standard love song. Lines like “You are beautiful, like a dream come alive,” and “There's no way to describe what you do to me,” are constantly belted out through the radio, and the only way to make such mediocre lyrics stand out is to surround them with a beautiful tune.
It’s an awful decision, then, to auto-tune Selena’s voice in the chorus. Her vocals are not just robotic; they sometimes sound monotone. Why would anyone give a declaration of love in monotone?
The verses are less auto-tuned and therefore better, but they’re only decent enough to make the song acceptably average instead of very good. In that way, “Love You Like a Love Song” has an apropos title. Most people want their romances of a better quality.
Selena Gomez is a more competent and serious entertainer than your average high-profile child/Disney star, and I wish her well in continuing to recover from her recent illness. She just needs to be capable of more than this lukewarm single."

This week's is chosen by me, but next week I'll be doing a poll thing. So tune in to vote your Song Of The Week (SOTW)



So, I hadn't opened my blog. Because, I was busy tumbling and school work!  So pardon me :)
Now I'm creating a new post even though it's almost midnight, JUST FOR YOU!  So be grateful.
You need to check out my tumblr page it's Just One Look it's pretty cool I got a hunch of followers.
My tumblog is a Fashion, Inspiring, Doodle Blog :) So, if you happens to love those stuff, go ahead and FOLLOW ME Please :)<
Thanks for your attention!

p.s : I'm running a poll there, be sure to vote! And I'm gonna do a 'give away contest' soon! Be sure to tune in!

The tumbling one glaring freak ;)

Monday, July 4, 2011

It's summer yo!

Woaw, I'm so psyched it's summer, although my vacation is over... There's still a week 'til school starts! So here's what a girl can do wrapping up her summer!
(via familiesonlinemagazine.com/teens/)

During the summer it is so easy to say, "I have nothing to do!" No more excuses-here is a list of a bunch things to do the next time you are bored!
1. Gather up a few friends, and have a picnic in your back .
2. Go on a walk and take pictures of trees, flowers, dogs, etc.
3. Buy some fashion magazines, pick out a couple of really cute outfits, and try to recreate them for less!
4. Bead some bracelets and sell them for charity.
5. Volunteer at the local animal or homeless shelter.
6. Clean your room!
7. Bake some cupcakes and deliver them to friends and family.
8. Play some childhood games like "Sorry", "Candyland", or "Pretty Pretty Princess".
9. Meet new friends at the park.
10. E-mail a friend you haven't spoken to in awhile.
11. Do 25 jumping jacks!
12. Look through old family scrapbooks, photo books, and yearbooks.
13. Make a root beer float.
14. Go to the movies with your siblings.
15. Go window-shopping with a friend.
16. Write a poem.
17. Make fresh, homemade fruit juice.
18. Give your dog a bath.
19. Make dinner for your family.
20. Baby-sit for a neighbor. 21. Have a sleepover party and watch scary movies.
22. Plan a vacation you want to take next summer.
23. Plant flowers in your yard.
24. Sign up for a class.
25. Have a bubble bath.
26. Make a mixed CD of your favorite songs and title it "The soundtrack of my life".
27. Order a pizza.
28. Splash around in a plastic kiddy pool.
29. Buy some crayons and a coloring book.
30. Read a book based on a movie you have seen.
31. Make a scrapbook of your baby pictures.
32. Watch Michelle Phan's video!
33. Start a diary and write in it everyday.
34. Spend the day at the library.
35. Draw a self-portrait.
36. Make a collage out of old magazines.
37. Run around in the sprinklers.
38. Go to a museum.
39. Go out for lunch with one of your parents.
40. Jump in the pool with your clothes on.
41. Eat last night's leftovers for breakfast.
42. Learn to sew or knit.
43. Invite friends over and have a tea party.
44. Swing on the swings at the park.
45. Tie-Dye a t-shirt or bed sheets with Kool-Aid!
46. Make a smoothie.
47. Learn how to define and spell 5 new words from the dictionary.
48. Make popsicles in your freezer.
49. Put on the radio and dance.
50. Go camping in your backyard!

51. Invite your friend over! 
52. Do Prank Calls!
53. Watch this makeup tutorial video by Michelle and try it with your besties! 
54. Play Video Games!
55. Choreograph a dance routine.
56. Pimp your tumblr!
57. Watch Movies w/ family
58. Read novels, comics, or something
59. Tweet insults! That'll make your day!
60. Create never-ending lists!